Tuesday 11 September 2012

The month of September; My Rant

Hello my fellow bloggers!
Man, it feels like forever since I've been on here!
Well, the past glorious days I've been super busy! I had volleyball tryouts, I'm really hoping I make it because it will improve my vertical so much, and on the bright side get me some what in shape for basketball. School on the other hand, its been a week and I already had 4 tests! Like lets all take a serious five teachers. Annd their's this boy , I know, I know I have told myself plenty of times why I should not date but when he treats you like a princess you aren't, I'd say try him out for a change, you never know he might be your forever and always. The weather here as been real upsetting, why? Well, because fall has hit us already like a rock and so far the lowest I'd say was about 5 or 4 degrees. I did not dress for this stuff. Ever since I lost a lot of weight, its weird to get the attention boys give you, its weird to think that I'm pretty and beautiful. When boys tell me that I wanna say no but then I feel like I'm trying to fish for more compliments and I'm not. I'm being honest with myself, I don't feel beautiful. And when I say thanks I feel like a cocky person you know? Anndd on the other hands, I haven't seen my bestfriend in like a year! It to be honest hasn't been a year it has probably been like a week and a half, but when she puts a smile on your face and you guys have great memories together, you really start missing someone. 
Darby Peachman, if you're reading this I just wanna say you're not like a bestfriend to me, your more like a sister, one that I can count on all the time to hold secrets for me. You make me smile when I'm down and especially worried, you've been their for me when the world decided to shut me out. And without you there is no awesome Arinn, you've taught me the ways. I could really talk a lot more about how amazing and inspiring she is to me, but I'm probably making you jealous on how awesome a friend she is. Anyways love you Darby.
Arinn Young 

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